
Sunday, June 6, 2010


6 June, time flies! I can not believe that my girls school years are this close to an end. And then of course Summer is upon us with so much to do that I am not sure we can get it all done before they go back to school in Aug. See...there is my point....wishing and worrying away our lives. How many times have we heard..."live a day at a time"!...or "take it day by day"...sometimes I do just that....but other times, like when I was on the phone with a friend yesterday.....I found myself saying.."yes, after this week...we have to go to see Grandma in the mountains (she is really missing us...bad!)..and then DQ wants to learn tennis this year.....a week planned at the beach and each of them going back with friends for another week. Get to SC to see family and would love to fit in a trip to Charleston to see our niece this summer! Ok...see where this is going?..I have already planned and wished away the whole summer before it has even begun...and almost are to the point of beginning school again in the Fall. whew!!...time sure flies!

Looking backwards......
I try survived a whole week of teaching 6th graders this week...topped of with a field day to boot in the end (and on a HOT Saturday!)!!...I sure was wishing this week away!!...LOL But in the will be a good paycheck and by the time I get paid, I won't even remember what a week it WAS!!

Looking forward.... to today, my Lord's day...everyday is my Lord's day...but Sundays are just special...going to church and being with my church feels like a Reunion every week to see those people that are special to me. Maybe I should plan on visiting with some of them during the week this summer...what do you think?....will I find the time? Hearing God;s message brought thru my Pastor...most days I know that God is talking directly thru him to me :o)
God is so good..everyday. Let me open my ears and have my eyes wide open to Him this day....


1 comment:

  1. OK... so a couple of things
    A) Why are you posting at 4:06 am... do you know what TIME it is?
    B) The time you give to others is a beautiful gift, the time you give to yourself feeds your inner beauty which is the gift that others see.
    C) Really good quote that someone sent me years ago as I was lameting about time....“Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” H Jackson Brown

    Love ya! Thanks for each minute that you have ever given to me!
