
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Movies & Memorial Day

Movie Movie Movie....all weekend long!! :o) Last night we had Movie Night at our church....everything is FREE....admission, popcorn, soda....and the homemade cookies that were made by one of our famous cooking church ladies! We watched 'The Blind Side'...wonderful movie!! I have seen it about 5 times I know know a lot more about football positions than I ever knew before.

Today I am having a little bit of a 'chicky' afternoon. Going to a matinee to see the newest 'Sex and the City' movie. I never watched the series when it was on HBO years ago...but I did see the 1st movie with my Beach gals about a year ago....and it was funny! So... meeting some fun chicks (you know who you are!) this afternoon to see 'Sex and the City 2'...ready to laugh and have a great time! Then home later to be with The Fam (that is what DQ refers to our complete family to probably go see yet ANOTHER movie in Graham, 'Shutter Island'. Not sure about this one yet, as it is a rated R and very intense movie....we shall see...I think Mr. Rooster can take DQ and her friend to see it... and LMS and I...well, I am sure there is ice cream around to find :o)

I am looking forward to this weekend....but my thoughts are not far away from the reason of the celebration of this Memorial Day weekend. In remembrance of all of those that have died in our Nations Armed Forces...I say 'Thank You"...and God bless your families that gave you up to defend/support this country.

God Bless America......

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saving $$ I went to this 'coupon class' that a friend of mine had at our church this past weekend. I got really excited, because I really think this is something that I can, talking to people...spending money..and saving $$ all the while...right down mt alley. SO... I convinced Mr. Rooster to let me go give it whirl, you know.... while the Harris Teeter was doing double coupons. He said yes (very nervously) but he checked my list and all my clipped coupons and made me promise that I would not buy ANYthing that was not on my list. I went hungry (it was right before lunch) and that is the worst time to go into a grocery store, ya know? Well...turns out...there are A LOT of folks out there that really take advantage of the coupon system. I mean like really serious folks. Very friendly people that don't mind sharing some of their insights to this new little world to me. it took me a while, because I am not a Harris Teeter shopper (well, I am really not allowed to be the family grocery shopper, period.)...but after a while, I got the hang of it. Even put some coupons back in my little bag, cause I felt like we really didn't need what it was...and if it wasn't FREE or under a dollar...I couldn't justify buying it. And the whole point of this trip was to prove to Mr. Rooster that I could go into the store and come out with exactly what was on the list (with coupons) and save $$. Now, how did I do? Well....I saved more that I spent!! :o) At least that is what the little cashier/Manager at the register told me with an excited voice! I guess Mr. Rooster might actually let me go back and do this again...soon, I hope! It was a fun treasure hunt and it was a very strict self-discipline lesson for me. Glad I past this test with flying colors :o)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Mornings....

Sunday morning and it is so peaceful with Mr. Rooster in front of me at his laptop and LMS still in bed and DQ at a friends house. Ahhhhhh peaceful. :o) I know today will be a great day...full of things to get done...but great none the less! :o) After a very exhausting 2 weeks, with a prom for Miss DQ ( she IS just a Freshman!) and an 8th grade dance for LMS this past Friday evening...I am exhausted and Mr. Roosters pockets are empty. I am so very proud of my young ladies and they both looked fabulous (they hate it when I use that . It is all a part of growing up (which they are doing WAY too fast!).
Sunday is going to be and then my youth group in the afternoon. It is a small group these days but they are (here it comes again...) a FABULOUS bunch! Maybe I can work in a Sunday afternoon short nap after lunch...cause it is a rainy day...and ooooo I love a nap on a rainy day!! :o) well, tata for now....


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good Morning from the world of Panera

Enjoying time with my friend Jeanine. We both dressed in black today, so we are skinny and ready to take over the world! Either that or we are ninjas and ready to rob a bank. I feel blessed today because I have such wonderful friends and the sun is shining.

Blogging is new to me, so here are my disclaimers:
If you know me, I am a smart- a%#$, my blog will reflect that.
I love my family, be prepared to hear about them
God rules my life so I will be thanking him.
If I post that I have been somewhere and you were not invited, get over it- your invitation is in the mail for the next adventure.
From this point forward my hubby will be referred to as the Rooster, the 15 year old as DQ (that's right, Drama Queen), the 13 year old as LMS (Little Miss Sunshine)
Please comment to what I post so that I know people are out there.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A friend suggested that I start 'blogging' this weekend. I am not sure where this going or what will happen, but I thought it was worth giving it a shot! So here goes.....let's see what I can do with my 'Little Piece of the World'

Denise :o)