
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Mornings....

Sunday morning and it is so peaceful with Mr. Rooster in front of me at his laptop and LMS still in bed and DQ at a friends house. Ahhhhhh peaceful. :o) I know today will be a great day...full of things to get done...but great none the less! :o) After a very exhausting 2 weeks, with a prom for Miss DQ ( she IS just a Freshman!) and an 8th grade dance for LMS this past Friday evening...I am exhausted and Mr. Roosters pockets are empty. I am so very proud of my young ladies and they both looked fabulous (they hate it when I use that . It is all a part of growing up (which they are doing WAY too fast!).
Sunday is going to be and then my youth group in the afternoon. It is a small group these days but they are (here it comes again...) a FABULOUS bunch! Maybe I can work in a Sunday afternoon short nap after lunch...cause it is a rainy day...and ooooo I love a nap on a rainy day!! :o) well, tata for now....


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